Dear Parents,
name is Kari-Jean Nulph and I will be interning in Catie Stone and Becca Petee’s
classroom this semester. I will be in
the classroom Mondays from 8am to 4pm and Wednesdays from 8am to 3:30pm. This December is when I will be graduating
from University of Michigan Dearborn with a major in Early Childhood Education
and minors in Integrated Science and Language Arts.
journey so far in my educational career has given me the opportunity to work
with many age groups from the ECEC toddler classrooms all the way up to sixth
grade middle school classrooms. I have
worked as staff at the Early Childhood Education Center before as well and
enjoy working with the young children there.
am a senior at the university and enjoy spending time with family as well as my
pets. When I am not working on school
work I am volunteering with my rescue group, Taylor Animal Shelter Kats &
K9’s. I look forward to getting to know
your children and how they learn along with gaining experience in lesson
planning within the classroom.