Dear Families,
Welcome back to a new semester! We hope everyone had a wonderful break! We are excited for a new term. Ms. Nulph will be interning with us on
Mondays and Wednesdays this semester, and Ms. Lee will be interning with us on
Tuesdays and Thursdays. They will begin
the semester by planning a few lessons each week and will finish out the term
taking over more responsibilities in the classroom. We are excited to work with them and can’t
wait for our interns to get to know all of the children!
We also wanted to take a minute and remind our families
about our outside time during the winter months. Generally, if the wind chill is above 20
degrees, we will spend some time outside during the day. We might not be outside for very long, but it
is important for the children to get fresh air and get an opportunity to enjoy and
explore our outdoor environment in the different seasons.
For this reason, we are reminding our families to bring
outdoor gear for their children each day.
Snow pants, boots, mittens, and hats should all be labeled and we will
make sure they are put on the children before we go outside.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t
hesitate to ask! It is so great to see
all of the children again – we have really missed them!
Catie Stone & Becca Petee