Friday, January 13, 2017

Around the room

The children in our room have been exposed to the scientific process this semester.  We utilized science tools to explore different kinds of fruits and seeds during the fall.  The children enjoyed dissecting the Osage Orange and the pumpkin.  We also have watched the seasons change as we have been outside – sometimes bringing different aspects of the changing seasons into the classroom.  We have utilized leaves, sticks, sand, and snow in various lessons this term.  The children have also been noticeably interested in the animals we have in our classroom – the gerbil and the hermit crab.  The children watch the gerbil eat, comment as he drinks, and talk about where he lives.  Some of the children help us to water the hermit crabs and enjoy watching them come out of their shells as they move around the tank.

The children in our room have become very aware of the identity board that is on our wall – showing their faces and work samples and the faces and work samples of their classmates.  They have started to point out classmates in their photos and use their names.  We regularly speak about facial features when looking at photos.  We are also encouraging vocabulary development with the children – using simple words to indicate the beginning or ending of an event or to indicate a transition in the classroom.  They have all begun to recognize the routine in daily activities (cleaning up, getting ready for group time, getting ready for snack, cleaning up snack, etc). We regularly use our dramatic play area – the children imitate real life situations through play in the classroom.

This term the children have been exposed to a variety of ways to represent themselves through the arts and have been able to explore with a variety of materials.  One of the most widely favored ways to do this in the classroom is through music.  The children listen to a variety of music and move their bodies in various ways – including with fabrics and ribbons.  We have had out the balance beams, tumble mats, and have brought the ladybugs into the classroom for the children to use whenever they need to.  We regularly use the dramatic play area of the room, where the children are able to act out and express themselves by pretend.  The plastic people and animals are always available to the children as well for exploring.  We have used clay, play dough, paint, pastels, and writing utensils this term in various areas of the classroom.  Exposure to these mediums regularly will help the children to become more comfortable as they continue to explore, eventually being able to add tools or new ways to manipulate the mediums.