Friday, January 3, 2014

January 2014

Dear Families,

            Welcome back after break! We look forward to an exciting semester! This term we have two interns who will be with us on Tuesday and Thursdays. They will be the new addition to the teaching team this semester. Madelyn Mollison will be with us from 8 am to 4 pm on Tuesday and Thursdays and Rebecca Bolling will join us those days from 9 am to 5 pm. Our interns will be working with Mrs. Stone and Mrs. Hughes to write and implement lessons in the classroom along with all of the day to day happenings.

            Over break we have encountered inclement weather. The ECEC closes due to these conditions when the University of Michigan- Dearborn closes. You can check the universities website or the news stations to inquire whether or not we will be open. We will be going outside if the weather permits. Please bring your child to school with hats, gloves, boots and snow pants so they will be able to enjoy exploring the snow outside. These items all need to be labeled with your child’s initials.

            This semester our big idea is movement. We will be exploring movement of our bodies, of objects, of animals and look more closely at ramps, bridges and tunnels. We have our communication board at the front of the classroom on the closet door where you are welcome to read and write your own observations of your child’s thinking. We also have the web of thinking that illustrates where these learning groups are going based off of our documentation of the children’s thinking. Documentation can be found above the window to the hallway next to the cubbies. You can find your child’s learning group here as well as documentation on their thinking based off of what they have said and done in their learning group.

            On Monday, January 20, 2014 the ECEC will be closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 21, 2014.

            As always, if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to ask.  We look forward to an exciting semester.

Catie Stone & Charlene Hughes