Monday, November 18, 2013

How is it moving?

     Over the past few weeks in the classroom we have been looking at how light moves and how we can manipulate the movement of light sometimes.  We took a disco ball light that ran on batteries.  When it was turned on, the ball would light up and spin and the children were able to see how the white light moved along a surface.

     We tried the same thing again but with a colored light.  This time we covered the table with paper and offered the children crayons that were similar colors to the light pieces on the spinning light.  We wanted to see if the children would make the connection between the crayons and the motion of the light spinning on the table.

     The children immediately started to draw large circles on the paper over where the light was spinning.  We noticed they were not making lines or dots, just circles and circular motions.  One of the children began to get frustrated when he tried to draw on the light on the table because the light continued to spin.  It might be interesting to repeat this lesson to see if he finds a strategy to use while tracing the light.        
     In the future, it will be interesting to see if the children would be more inclined to trace a light projected onto the wall or table that is stationary.  It will be neat to compare the actions of the children with a spinning light, and a stationary light.

Colored Light

     Over the past few weeks the children have been looking at light and how it can be various colors.  They have also been looking at how they can manipulate those various colors of light.  We have been working with flashlights a lot this term so I brought them out for the children again to use.  This time I put different colored cellophane over the light and taped it on so the children would be able to see different colors in the light beams when they used the flashlights.

     It was neat to see the reaction of the various children.  Some of the younger children were excited to just see that the light was different colors.  They would look at the light, and then look at how it shone on the mirror and wall.

     Some of the other children would take two different colored flashlights and shine them at each other.  I think some of them were doing this to see if they could get the colors to change or mix.  One of the children took two different colored flashlights and shone them on the wall next to each other, again, I think she was trying to see if she could change the colors somehow or get them to combine.  

     Because of these observations, I think it might be neat to use little sphere lights, meant for water arrangements, and use them with paint.  The children would still be able to see the light under the paint, but it would also give some of those children who were interested in mixing colors the opportunity to do so. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

November 2013

Hello Families,

                It is hard to believe November is already here!  We have been so busy in the classroom and have been learning so much.  We wanted to take a minute and invite all of our families to our Curriculum Night on Wednesday, November 13th from 5:30-7pm.  Children are invited to come to school with their families to participate in hands-on investigations and look at documentation we have collected over the past few months.  Mrs. Stone, Ms. Rodegher, Ms. Salame, and Ms. Dunbar will be in the classroom to explain our investigations over the past semester.
                We also passed out a survey this week called Ages and Stages.  We are asking parents to fill it out and return it to school by the end of November.  This will give us and idea of what you are seeing at home and we can compare what we see at school.  At conferences in December we will talk about the survey.  If you have any questions about it please let us know.

                Thanksgiving this year is on Thursday, November 28th.  There is no school this day, or the next day, which is Friday, November 29th.  Have a wonderful few days with your families.
               As always, if you have any questions or comments please let us know.  Have a great day!

Catie Stone & Charlene Rodegher