Friday, November 30, 2012

The Lights!

     Throughout the course of the semester, one of our Interns has been exploring light with the children.  She brought in several types of light sources like lamps, flashlights, and the overhead projector.  She also brought in some LED lights that the children could explore in various ways.  Since the children have also been interested in water, she decided to combine the two so the children could see how the lights look in the water.
     The children were excited about being able to directly manipulate where the light goes.  They also seemed to try different things with the lights in the water table, like stacking the lights and trying to cover them with their hands to watch how the light changed.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November 2012

Mrs. Stone & Mrs. Paris’ Room   (313) 593-5424

     It is hard to believe another month has flown by!  We have been very busy with the children so far this school year and have been exploring many different things in the classroom.  Mrs. Rachel is continuing her exploration with motion of objects and Mrs. Tina has been continuing to explore lights and motion of water with the children.  We have also been building, exploring natural materials, looking at fountains, and looking at how things “fit” on one another.

     Curriculum night is November 14th (Wednesday) from 5-7pm.  Parents and children are welcome to come into the classroom and see some of the projects we have been working on this school year.  The teachers and interns will be available to explain project work.

     On curriculum night, we will be having a basket raffle.  Our classroom basket theme is “breakfast” so you can look on our blog to see items to donate.  Please have these items to us by Monday, Nov. 12th because we need time to get the baskets together before the raffle.  Each classroom is creating a different basket so it will be exciting to see how they all turn out!

     Please also remember we are closed for Thanksgiving and the Friday following (Nov. 22 & 23).  Enjoy those days with your families!

     The weather is starting to get colder.  Please know that we do go outside in the winter months, even in the snow!  Hats, mittens, boots, and snowpants are welcome.  Please make sure each of these items are labeled with your child’s name as we have several sets to keep track of on a daily basis.  It makes things a lot easier if hats and mittens are placed in your child’s coat sleeve so we do not need to search through backpacks for them.  Dress shoes and shoes without rubber soles make it very cold on feet when going outdoors also. 

     As always, please let us know if you have any questions/comments/concerns.  I hope everyone has a relaxing and enjoyable month!

Catie Stone & Jamie Paris